What fresh hell is next – and when will I get a damn BREAK?

Every night I’m eating chips. I’m not even hungry! Why am I doing this?
I just want to stop drinking at night. But every night, I’m pouring myself a glass.
I’m snapping at my kids. I hate myself – and I think they hate me.
I’m embarrassed that I know the UPS guy by his first name – because…online shopping.
I’m bingeing on TikTok. I look up & four hours has gone by. FOUR HOURS.
^^Welcome to the innermost thoughts of what’s going on with REAL women.
They are exhausted. Depleted.
But – there’s nothing clear for them. No one knows what fresh hell is around the corner for any of us.
Worst of all? They can’t find a freaking MOMENT to themselves.
Almost all of them – upon hearing my family had gone on vacation without me for two weeks – are flat out envious. And will tell me.
They won’t even take an afternoon off for themselves. They won’t turn off their fucking phones because “someone might need me.”
They feel GUILTY. They’re not doing enough.
And they’re resentful. Empty.
Why are they over-eating, over-drinking, over-shopping, over-indulging?
Because there’s a big empty hole inside of them they’re unconsciously trying to fill.
I’m NOT going to preach to you that your partner and your kids will be fine if you take a day off from them. *But that is true.
I’m NOT going to tell you that you’ll be BETTER for your clients & customers if you took a damn day off. *But that’s also true.
I’m actually going to share with you a brilliant author I interviewed – Aprelle Duany.
Aprelle is one of those women who failed and failed and failed to put herself on the list of things to take care of.
She lived by the rules others created for her –
Until she went through a literal war in Africa before realizing it was time to put herself on the list –
I knew I needed to share her story – because there’s something here that will resonate with you…
Whether you’ve realized you’re not on the right path…
Are overwhelmed with perfection…
or noticed that you’re just not quite happy – maybe even depleted or resentful….
There’s something here for you in this interview.
Does the idea of filling yourself up sound absolutely delicious?
But you have no idea HOW to do it?
LISTEN or watch Aprelle’s story. Why her life changed is directly due to her intentionality & awareness.
Then, I highly recommend you buy her new book called Self Love Reset: A Little Story About Finding the Courage to Live an Extraordinary Life
To have what we want, we must first acknowledge where something feels sucky or hard –
ONLY THEN we can take action.
If you’re looking for some life support – oxygen – a moment to your freaking self – Please listen to Aprelle. You’ll be inspired, I promise.
Xo, Jen
TL; DR: Every woman I know is feeling a little overwrought. Exhausted & confused. If you want to get back to yourself, please listen or watch this interview with author Aprelle Duany. She wrote Self-Love Reset – A little story about finding the courage to live an extraordinary life. Can’t recommend it ENOUGH!