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What happened when Real Erica showed up

Doubt crept in. And Erica was hiding.

She had the perfect excuses, -ahem, I mean reasons- to NOT grow her business…

Not enough time. Not enough know-how.

But the NUMERO-UNO reason she lurked in the shadows of her own business?

It's terrifying to be seen

You get it - what if someone sees you & judges you? Questions you?
Heckles you?
Rolls their eyes at you?


Here’s how Erica shifted from cringing to courageous - and blew her own mind by what happened in her business!

Two big strategies Erica learned:

  1. How to overcome doubt & the negative BS that her brain loves to chew on

Truth: the most relatable things in life aren't always positive things. So, Erica learned how to turn negative habits into constructive thoughts that lead to solutions

Which helped her show up even more because now she can recognize a client's negative outlook & offer a new, helpful perspective. 

She’s helping clients create confidence with fashion & accessories as a relatable tool! Erica teaches women to dress simply & add flair - and their whole lives are improved. 

  1. How to make her business HERS

For a long time, Erica felt like she was pretending. Like it wasn’t really HER business.

That feels horrible, so she hid from it all.

How did Erica find the courage to put herself out there?

👯‍ Support - surrounding herself with other business owners. Knowing she wasn’t “crazy” made a huuuuuge difference.

🧰 Tools - we created customized ways to share brand content that felt LIKE ERICA.

It wasn’t plug & play. It wasn’t bullshit.

She stopped hiding & started talking to her customers - SHOWING UP for them every day!

It was Real Erica, showing up as Real Erica, in a voice her audience found irresistible.


Huge developments occurred when Erica found her voice

✅ We molded her content to fit her style & voice. Once she stopped relying on the materials from her parent company, she made her OWN content...using a personalized strategy & approach.

✅ Client success! Her customized tools allowed her to stop feeling “yucky” when sharing her business. Erica learned she’s helping people - not selling to people.

✅ People engaged & seek her out to connect - in real life & online. She’s attracting clients! 💥

✅ Her company recognized her immense potential & invited her to host an enormous event that created high visibility!

It was the opportunity of a lifetime & she pounced on it - And last year, Erica would’ve hidden from the chance.

Erica is truly thriving in her style & confidence! See for yourself at her Success Story page. GORGEOUS photos that’ll give you ideas about your own style.

(PS: I'm so damn proud of her! It was NOT easy, but it sure as hell was worth it!)

Helping women brings Erica fulfillment she couldn't find somewhere else! Follow her on Facebook or Instagram to get inspired style tips & up-level your confidence-

You’re next!

I encourage you to stop hiding this week! What’s one little thing you can do to show up?

Xo, Jen

  Watch Her Story            Hear Her Story  

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