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What if you have a job that's GOOD but doesn't quite fill you up? w/ Amanda McKinney


Meet Amanda McKinney - a marketing coach for yoga teachers who learned how to make the transition from solid job to scary personal business.

Learn her tricks & shifts to implement in YOUR life - as you transition into something you LOVE!

Meet Amanda

Currently, she’s a marketing coach for yoga teachers which brings her so much fulfillment she lights up! However, she wasn’t always in this niche career. She went through college and got her Bachelor’s and Masters in Marketing. She had a strong desire to climb the corporate ladder and had no questions about how she would find her success there. She knew she was good at what she was doing. Playing the game of the corporate world was something she enjoyed. Still, even as a workaholic, she was never really happy.

Along this journey, she found a mentor that she thought “I want to be her when I grow up”. This mentor worked for herself, was independent, and inspired Amanda to start her own business. Around this time she and her whole team was laid off from their positions which gave this opening in her life to begin her own business.

Amanda took two weeks to give herself a moment to find out what really inspired her. To find what she really wanted to do! She had this idea of becoming a consultant but was torn between applying to new jobs. She went to a few interviews, even some she was tempted by, but there was a moment where she chose the entrepreneurial path. She was sitting in the interview for a job and was sitting there trying to convince to take her on as a consultant rather than an employee.

Now, she’s a marketing consultant for yoga instructors and couldn’t be happier with her choice to venture out on her own.

Check her out here:

Making it Work

One of the things that gave Amanda some comfort during her journey is that she could always go back to the corporate world if she had to. Sometimes when thinking about branching off to do our own thing, we get nervous that we won’t be able to pay the bills. But remember you can always go back and get a job. Take a year to acquire some funds while your business takes off. You won’t be giving the same amount of time that you might want to give it, but you CAN make it work.

Now, this is also a catch-22 of sorts, because what if you start working the job and you leave your business to the side? You get comfortable in the position. It’s not necessarily what you want or what you want to be doing. If you’re in this position, try and remember what milestone you need to reach in order to leave the comfy position. Remember what you want in your life. Constantly remind yourself of the goals that fulfill you in order to eventually walk away from what you’re doing in order to make the leap towards your next venture in life.

Don’t Let Doubters Keep You From Reaching Your Goals

Amanda and I recognize how lucky we are to have the support of our partners and had some financial stability to take the risk of starting our businesses. But that doesn’t have to stop you. Both of us have clients that don’t have the support we were lucky enough to have, and they are kicking ASS! If you have the drive and the motivation to start a business you CAN find a way to make it work. You may have to struggle for a bit, or have to work hours you didn’t expect, but in the end it will be worth it.

Finding your Niche

Amanda had been practicing yoga for years. It was and is something that she loves to this day. When looking at your potential business, combining something you love with business can help guide you into what niche you should focus on. In Amanda’s case, she saw that when yoga students go through their training there is a large emphasis on learning the practices of yoga but not a lot on business. As someone that now runs her own business, there was a huge gap in knowledge for those going into the yoga instructor profession! She saw a need and created her business around that need.

When pricing services, Amanda took into consideration that becoming a yoga teacher is not always the most lucrative career. However, when she got down to it she had to remind herself “If you want something you find a way to afford it”. While she isn’t overcharging clients, she is charging what she is worth rather than getting caught up in the needs of other people. Know your value and know the value of your services!


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