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What it Really Takes to Move Forward in Your Business Using Content

content creation made easy

There’s NO one right way to “do content”.

We create a goal, decide on a strategy, and choose the tactics that feel best for us.

But what happens when you get stuck in a vortex of “I don’t wanna!!”?

When marketing + content feels like it’s too hard, too much work, and not working anyway?

What about when you’re overwhelmed by all of the options & possibilities?

This week, Jen explores how that wanting to give up is very real - and what to do about it instead of…

**Burning down the business…

**Walking away from marketing altogether…

**Trying to do EVERYTHING but feeling immobilized by it…

**Giving up creating content - and abandoning your audience!

The overwhelm is real - so how do we deal with it REALISTICALLY?

How do we IMPLEMENT what we know, let go of what’s not serving us, and taking ACTION that feels good?

This is what Jen covers in today’s episode of Content Creation Made Easy!


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Full Transcript

Hey, welcome to this week's episode of the Content Creation Made Easy Podcast. 

I'm your host, Jen Liddy, and I'm actually recording this on the first Monday of 2022, and I feel like I have my act a little bit together together because I spent the last few weeks putting in some foundational things, tweaking some things and doing a lot of resting and walking and watching Netflix. 

Maybe you don't feel like you have your act together in 2022 yet. 
Maybe you don't feel like you know what you want.

Maybe you still wish it was back on December 22nd before all of the holiday hoopla.

But no matter where you are, this episode is about a way to start thinking how to choose some action for yourself that will feel good this year. 

I want to start by talking about all of us, get into these moments where we want to burn the whole thing down, we want to walk away from it, or there's a new tactic that has come into our world and we're supposed to be doing it, but we don't want to do it anymore. 

If you have struggled with any of that, I know how specifically hard content creation can be for you because you might be resisting some aspect of content and marketing.

If it's feeling like it's too much work.

If it's feeling like it's too hard.

If you have been avoiding something, you know, you need to be doing something to grow your business today's podcast is a great one for you.

It's going to be short because I have this little story to tell you.

And this is a story that happened right before Christmas so I had been a little lazy about doing my Christmas shopping, and I waited until kind of the last minute, which I don't normally do. 

So I went into a store to get my husband a couple of belts, which he had specifically asked for and to get a gift certificate to this store because it's somebody in my family's favorite store. 

I never go into the store.

I don't like this store. 
It's not my thing.

But I knew I could get the belts, and I knew I could get the gift card and be done with it. And I got in and I toddled around and I got all my things and I'm like, I'll just get online and get the heck out of here!

And no lie.

A line of 80 or so people snaked around the entire left side of the building.

I came upon the cashiers and I'm like, I have to wait on this freaking line?

I have to wait to get these stupid two belts and a gift certificate and honestly, in that moment, I literally stood there in the store with the gift certificate in one hand and the belt in the other. 

And I thought, is this worth it?

Do I want to do this? 

Do I want to stand in line for these things?

But the thing is, I needed the belts. I needed the gift certificate. 

And also I knew that on any other day of the week, it was not going to be any better.

It wasn't even going to be any better at another store and so I very grudgingly got online, and I waited, and I looked around and I entertained myself. 

And I looked at my phone and I waited, and I shuffled. 

I did not want to be there but the next thing I know, ten minutes go by in a mere ten minutes, and I look up and I am three people away from the cashier.

And in that moment, literally, I was like, I have to sear this moment into my brain because I want to tell you about this. 

At that moment, I realized I had complained. I almost burned it all down. I almost left the store. I almost didn't cross the thing off my list because I didn't want to do the due.

I didn't want to take the action of getting in line and waiting. 

And it's just like marketing.

It's just like content:

What have you not been doing?

Because you're like, it feels too hard. It feels too overwhelming.

I know I need to do this thing, but I don't want to. 

I just don't want to. 

And maybe it's been languishing or you've told yourself, it's really not that important. 

But deep inside, you know that it is important. 

And today's message for you is all about doing the small baby step action that's going to move you forward toward your goal, because if you want the belt and you want the gift certificate, you have to stand in the line.

What is that for you in terms of your business, could it have been like writing a sales page? 

That kind of content really takes a lot of time.

Now, remember, you get to do it how you want to do it and you have to babysit it, or else it's going to really immobilize you. 

But we want you to just be taking the small steps, the shuffling along in the line, because then, boom, you've got your sales page done after you've plugged away at it for maybe 30 minutes a day for a couple of weeks.

For me, this was finding the right lead magnet for me.

I'm going to be really transparent here.

I had probably four or five lead magnets that I had created and put out into the world when I was getting started, and it was really hard to figure out a lead magnet. In fact, a lead magnet is one of those things that people really struggle with because they're just not sure. 

I put out a bunch.

That means I had to have them designed.

That means I had to do welcome sequences for them.

And none of them got traction. 

So when I really sat and thought about what do I want my lead magnet to be? 

I did this very simple thing. It's my customized content planner, and it's something I take all of my students through, all of my clients through, and I thought it was just too basic for a lead magnet. 

Turns out it was the thing, and I have been plotting along with that planner for two years, and I have started really understanding how to put it in front of people, and I'm starting to cross the finish line on my goals to grow my email list, and it has been slow going.

But if I never started, I would still be at ground zero with my lead magnet.

I wouldn't have anybody on my email list. 

I wouldn't have it done. 

I wouldn't have a community of people who open my emails every week, and my emails get about a 30% open rate.

Which means my people are engaged and they like what I'm saying but if I had dropped the whole thing and said, 

“Screw it. I'm just not going to grow my email list.”

Then I would still be here at zero. 

And so I don't care what it is for you in terms of the thing in your business that you know you need to do, and I'm not even going to put the air quotes around should - you know you need to do it. 

But you've been avoiding it for some reason, probably because you don't know how or it's too confusing or it's too overwhelming or you don't have the right support.

If you just take it baby steps at a time and do what you can do and take focused action, that is how you get yourself where you want to be.

That's how you get to the point where you look up on that line of 80 people and you're like, there's only three people ahead of me.

I'm this close to freedom, and that's the message I wanted to share with you today. 

What is it in your business that you are standing in line? 
Or maybe you're avoiding standing in line? 

It's time to get online.

Every time something new comes to us, we can decide that's not a line I want to stand on, right?

Like, “Oh, I don't want to do Tik Tok. I don't want to use LinkedIn. I don't want to do podcasts.”

Whatever you choose to not do is fine but what are you doing?

What's the action that you're implementing?

I am hot to implement everything I know!

If you saw the number of courses I had living on my computer you'd roll your eyes. 

And I am all about implementation, and that's what we're doing here on this podcast. It's how you can implement what you know, take a little bit of learning, take some action and get going. And so if you want to understand how to make your content planning easier, go ahead and download my downloadable that I told you about.

More importantly, what's the thing in your business that you know you need to do to really see the results that you're looking for? 

Get online because I'm telling you, whether you wait in line or not, time is going to march forward. 

Your plans are going to remain in your head and your dreams are going to still live inside of you.

So get online.

Start taking baby steps, action and move toward the thing that you want with focused, sustainable, realistic actions. 

The first action you can take is to download the planner. 

Go to: 

You will get it downloaded right to your device, and then I will give you tons of examples to help you put it into play.

It will make your content planning a lot easier.

And if you're looking for weekly accountability and implementation and support, join us over at the Content Creator Studio

That is the membership for people who want content support without the overwhelm of this world, we're all standing in line together. 

We're all taking action together. 

You can learn more about that here:

I look forward to seeing you next week. 

I would love to hear what your action is. 

This podcast is part of the SoundAdvice.FM Network - Sound Advice.FM Women's Voices. Amplified.

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