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What to do when you have no idea what’s wrong

I come home & everyone wants a piece of me. I AM SO SICK OF IT!

Meet RJ - a client who didn’t know exactly what was wrong - only that SOMETHING was keeping her miserable. 

She felt exhausted & overwrought, every night -

and she’d come home to her family & be SO irritated - with the world, really - that she’d either retreat, get nasty & rude, or start YELLING.

The worst part was that she hated herself for it. But she couldn’t stop because she couldn’t diagnose what the problem was.

Have you ever experienced this? You know SOMETHING’s off but have no idea exactly WHAT?

When we don’t know WHAT’s wrong, we can’t figure out WHY it’s happening - nor can we start putting a plan in place with the HOWs to fix it.

Turned out, RJ felt like the world pecked at her all day. Then, she’d get home & the family would start to peck at her, too - with questions, needs, wanting MORE.

When we assessed her situation, RJ realized she was an introvert. She CRAVED time alone. Time to mentally process inside. Time to be quiet.

To just be with her own damn self.

Once we established this “problem” - and she realized it wasn’t a problem - she then had the knowledge to allow her to carve IN time by herself & communicate with everyone what she needed.

So that she could stop feeling so bruised inside.

Were there hard conversations after that? Boundaries to hold?

SUuuuure & that was hard too, but NOT as hard as being pecked to death daily without knowing WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!

RJ felt incredible relief once we diagnosed the issue & made room for solutions to come in.

This month I’ve been sharing ways to make room for what YOU want…

And today I’ve got to introduce you to Raechelle Johnson - who helps people diagnose their problems - so they can move through them!

Rae is the The Solution Architect (How freaking perfect is that title, btw?) - an Innovative Strategist & International Speaker who basically teaches you how to stop your problems from slapping you in the face.

And create a simplified approach to usher GOOD stuff into your life & business!

If you’re struggling to see the forest because of all the trees,

And you know there’s a problem - but you can’t quite figure it out -

This conversation will help you!

Rae breaks down the FIVE simple steps of how to stop spinning your wheels so you can move to a more productive place in your life.

She generously teaches us HOW to get control, take action, and optimize our situations!

(She even provided an infographic shared below) but in her interview, she explains it with helpful examples!

Start assessing what’s going on for you -

In fact, you might even want to do this exercise with a trusted, non-judgmental friend who CAN see the forest even WITH all the trees!

Remember, Rae says this is not brain surgery - it’s SIMPLE. But it does take time - so listen or watch her interview, then see if you can


Xo, Jen

PS: Find Rae at to learn more about her strategies, tools, and books that can help YOU simplify & maximize your life & business!


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