Grab the Backstage Brilliance Marketing Toolkit

Who Are You Actually Impacting With Your Content?

Imagine a high school hallway - any generic high school hallway will do - and imagine two young women practically dancing down the hallway, arm in arm -

giggling in a way only certain unaffected, un-self-conscious people (NOT ME) can pull off…

It’s 2003, four days before Thanksgiving…and these two returned from their freshman year at college to visit their teachers & gloat to their younger friends.

They were absolutely blissed out - all the drama of high school dissipated.

They were so freaking HAPPY.

Glowing, radiant college Freshmen, excited to show off, thrilled to be together again…

They saw me in the hall & stopped in their tracks, squealing, “Miss GRIMM! Oh mah gaaaad! We were looking for you!!”

Honestly - I was struck silent, which doesn’t happen often.

Who WERE they? I remember all my students. Certainly ones I’d had just last year!

“Miss GRIMM! We have to tell you - THANK YOU!”

For what?!

“You gave that guest presentation in Mrs. Russell’s class last year…”

Ah ha! They weren’t my students! I wasn’t losing my mind!

They gushed about something I’d taught in a colleague’s class - something that struck them just right & had hung on to their brains throughout their first semester at college.

Something SO HELPFUL that they needed to truck down the English classroom hallway to find me & thank me!

Something I barely remembered.

I won’t lie: it’s incredibly meaningful & gratifying to have a young person - a teenager, especially - tell you that you meant something important to them during the formative, difficult, & strange years of their lives.

This happened over SEVENTEEN years ago, and I still remember what I thought in that moment:

You NEVER EVER know who you’re going to impact. You literally have NO idea who you will affect.

Your words & actions matter.

The lesson that seared into my brain immediately was be careful with your words, Jen, because they matter & affect other people.

Until then, I’d been fairly careless about that.

I think back to that moment outside my 9th grade classroom often, especially when I talk about how we show up for our audiences as entrepreneurs.

You don’t know how your audience is going to hear you. Or WHEN they’ll hear you.

Which post? Which email? The wording you used TODAY or the phrase you used last week?

I know you don’t want to use sleazy sales promotions & aggressive strategies to market yourself.

And you don’t have to!

You want to connect & engage with your audience - in a helpful, meaningful way.

But because we don’t know WHEN our audience is going to pay attention, be ready to buy, or finally hear us - it’s VITAL we show up regularly & consistently…

WITH messages on-brand -

WITH offers they want & need -

USING words that resonate with them.

Sometimes you feel like you’re opening the window & yelling out into the great beyond -

That no one sees your content & isn’t interested anyway.

That it’s JUST YOU who cares - But it’s NOT.

You never have any idea who you’re impacting.

Last month I heard from a woman who told me she’s been ‘lurking’ on my Facebook page for years, reading it all, and now she’s ready to take action.

Another new client told me she used to listen to my podcast while living in Japan, dreaming of the business she wants to help build for her family!

A previous client in France from two years ago DM’d me to thank me for the messaging I’ve been sharing on Instagram & my podcast interviews - because they’re resonating with her so deeply.

You never have any idea who you’re impacting.

Be intentional in your visibility. Be consistent.

Go ahead & be heart-centered, helpful, and generous.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t burn out.

Because your people need you. Even though you never have any idea who you’re impacting.

Do you need clarity & support with getting your content & messaging out into the world?

Do you feel like you don’t have your shit together - and can never put content OUT?

YOU are exactly why I created my Crack the Content Code workshop - it’s a 2-hour LIVE workshop where you will:

Learn WHAT to say, HOW to say it - in a way that works for your exact right audience!

You’ll walk away with realistic strategies to put in place RIGHT NOW -

IN fact, you’ll leave with 4 weeks of content planned out!

What are you waiting for? Register HERE!

3 Steps to Unlock the Content
that magnetizess your audience to you!

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