Why I’m DONE with my ‘perfect’ business

January 18th was, erm, eventful.
Hobbled by stabbing back pain, I freezer burned my butt trying to take care of it!
…dropped a heavy measuring tape & broke my pinky toe (sooooo dumb).
…and got diagnosed with COVID.
Two days later, the hubs got the call that he was positive too,
so we relegated our 13-year-old kiddo to Feral Child Status, with two parents in literal isolation.
Oh! When I finally emerged from my COVID-induced fugue state, my car battery had died.
I know we’re over here in 2021, but January smelled a lot like 2020.
To get through - I literally had to ask for help because I needed to feed my kid, and neither John nor I could leave our respective isolation rooms, much less the house.
I didn’t know how much I hated asking for help until January 18th.
It’s scary because you have no idea if people will show up!
And you hate putting everyone out…right?
Sometimes the most unexpected people show up - and it’s DELIGHTFUL to see how people were happy to help.
I learned some people like to know what they can do. Others are incredible at jumping in - born with a gene of knowing the exact right thing to do.
(I’m missing that gene.)
Shockingly, my fears that business would die did not come to light. (🙄 Go figure. Everything was fine with my positively gracious clients & a team in place doing all the things anyway!)
My biggest a-ha: I’ve been so focused on following all the COVID rules of my state that I haven’t had FUN for almost a year now.
Suffice it to say I’ve been processing a lot of emotions and baggage, and I want you to know:
I am DONE waiting for things to be perfect or following all the ‘rules’.
Business & life deserve to be more FUN.
Because - clearly - there is NOT only ONE WAY to do anything -
We can stop thinking it needs to be PERFECT before we put it out there to the world.
And that’s why (way ahead of it being “done” or “perfect” or “pretty” or “beautiful”) I put out my new Content Creator’s Studio offer
a membership for people who want content creation to feel…
easy, authentic, worthwhile, and (yes, I’m gonna say it) FUN>
I offered it to the participants at my workshop last week - No sales page. No emails.
With a launch date of Weds 2/10 -
And 3 incredible new clients signed up to join me on this journey as Founding Members!
The “rules” say I should have a fancy sales page, funnel, email sequence, and offer page ready for you.
I should outline all the features and explain how they will make your life & business better.
But I don’t have it done YET.
Frankly, COVID drained my energy for the marketing, but I do have the program all planned out!
You are invited to join us in the Content Creator’s Studio, a $37/month membership for Founders.
Here’s the 10,000-foot overview, imperfect as hell:
- Every month you get access to 3 LIVE calls: a Bite-Sized Training, a Planning Party to get that content done, and a LIVE Q&A. All to keep you out of overwhelm.
- You’ll get a roadmap to follow inside the membership portal with recorded trainings, prompts & templates, plus visuals you can use in your social media (created by my branding photographer, Alice!)
- We meet on Wednesdays, 2 - 3pm EST - plus a FB group for community & support.
The goal? Keeping you out of overwhelm, out of analysis paralysis, and INTO your content so you can see a return on the time & effort you invest in creating it!
Would you like to join us? Founding members keep their low monthly rate for as long as you stay in the program.
Why shouldn’t content creation be EASIER?
Why can’t you learn how to make it your OWN?
It should. And you CAN. I invite you to join the Content Creator’s Studio membership!
(More pretty, formal, “perfect” information will follow. But I just had to get this invitation out to you NOW,
because we’re starting Weds 2/10 with our first live training
How to avoid the top 5 mistakes of content creation & stop the overwhelm NOW
Click here to join us - cancel anytime.
Xo, Jen