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Wring More from Your Content: the Power of Pinterest w/ Presh Rogers

content creation made easy

You probably USE Pinterest for your real life – recipes, designs, outfits…

It’s ideas, ideas, ideas all day long over there.

But are you using it to wring the HELL out of your content capital + get a long-term results for your efforts?

Enter stage left, Presh Rodgers of The Pinning Oasis!

She shares ALL the gems in this conversation on Content Creation Made Easy!

Listen to learn:

*3 things to know to make Pinterest more effective
**Why Pinterest doesn’t even care about YOU – and why that’s a good thing.
***Pinterest is not about doing MORE…ahhhh, feel the relief!

If you’ve ever felt clueless or overwhelmed by Pinterest…

Or you feel like you’re not using it to its capacity,

Listen to Episode 180 today and take in all the generous insights Presh shares so you can put it to work for you.


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Grab her free training: Three P’s to Pinterest success: How to turn your content into cash here -


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Full Transcript

Jen Liddy

Hey. Hey.

I am really glad that you're here today for this version of Content Creation Made Easy. You know, this podcast is all about simplifying things, opening your mind to different ways of doing content, thinking about different aspects, avenues of using your content. And that is why today I have invited Presh Rogers on.

Now you can call her a Pinterest marketing expert and ad specialist, but what she really is, is a Pinterest badass. She is the CEO of the Pinning Oasis and that's a boutique Pinterest marketing agency.

What Presh does is helps online coaches, service providers and content creators Pinterest drive more people and profit to their business.

All without Pinterest ads!

If you don't want Pinterest ads, Presh has lots of strategies. We're going to talk about those today.

But the fun thing about Presh is she's got this whole high energy vibe and listen to the rest of her bio, everyone. 

“When she's not giving out high energy good laughs or sunshine vibes, you can find her sipping her favorite drink of the day, dancing around for fun or watching her latest Netflix Binge.”

That is a message that lands and has personality.

I just want to point that out Presh, because I'm always talking about like stand out in your messaging and you really did that. So hello, Presh. So glad you're here!

 Presh Rodgers

Thank you for having me. And thank you so much for that because I think we sometimes get lost and try to sound so, like, professional and whatever that is.

I say, no, it's really what you think it is. And we forget to kind of show off who we are.

And I know I like to work with people who I can connect with, who I feel like are good energy people and who I have something in common with.

Some people say like, oh, like, what are you watching on Netflix? Or something like that. Since they know that I love me a good binge. I'm always watching TV, so it's always good to show off your personality.

Jen Liddy

So what is your latest Netflix Binge selling?

Presh Rodgers

Sunset season five. I think it is. I really love just I mean, it's a good mix of I love watching reality TV shows for the trashy TV, but then also really like watching real estate stuff, even though I'm not even into real estate. But I just think it's cool. I don't know, watching these houses and be like, I'm going to have a bathroom like that one day. I'm just planning at my house. It's like a Pinterest board, but on TV.

Jen Liddy

It's like your mental Pinterest board.

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, it's a good mix of like both of those things together.

 Jen Liddy

I love that. I like to go back and binge old things that came on before people had cell phones. So I've been watching Seinfeld, which I watched in the 90s, but watching it again now, I'm like, none of these stories could happen now because we all have cell phones.

None of the confusion could happen because we would just be like, “Okay, I'll meet you there ten minutes later.”

Presh Rodgers

I love the 90s. I watched a show called Living Single religiously. That is my background. So if I'm just like wanting quick brain break, I'll put on Living Single. And it's like so quick because it's only like 30 minutes quick and no commercial. So I get through the whole entire series really quickly and I'd be like, hey, Mario on season five. I guess I'll be starting over soon. I got to take breaks in between. But it's just really good background music now. But yeah, seeing those little things, it's like we had really great shows back in the 90s.

 Jen Liddy

Yeah. All without cell phones, all without texting!

So let's start talking about Pinterest because that's what we are going to unpack for people today. Can you tell us a little bit about how you came to be a Pinterest expert?

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, so I started off in 2019 as a virtual assistant. I wanted to travel and just work from anywhere.

That's the program I joined with: Work from Anywhere.

I was like, okay, I want to do that. I don't want to be in 9-5 anymore. I'm just going to travel.

Mind you, this is 2019 before we knew what was going to happen in 2020. And so starting my business became a VA, my very first client, she was an influencer and also, like, a travel blog. She knew that she got a lot of traffic from Pinterest, but she also knew that she wasn't utilizing it correctly.

Like, she didn't even have a business account. So she asked me if I could help her with that. And I'm a VA,  so I'm saying yes to everything. Like, yeah, I mean, I'll figure it out.

Then the program that I was in called 90 Day VA, it had a portion, and there are a module in there about being a Pinterest manager. So I'm like, okay, I have this, and I'll probably do another little course, and I should be able to work this out.

So that's how I got into it. And from there, it kind of, like, exploded.

We wanted to know more about Pinterest. Me saying that this is a side that's kind of untapped with people actually doing a lot of like, everybody back then was like Instagram and social media, things like that.

I'm like, well, I'm going to try out Pinterest and see where it takes me. And at the beginning of 2021 is when I decided to do completely Pinterest, because in 2020, I was Pinterest and Instagram. And at the end of 2020, I was like, I'm just going to completely go all in and Pinterest. And it's been amazing ever since.

 Jen Liddy

Talk about leaning into your lane, like getting in the lane and driving. I love that.

I talk about that all the time with my clients because they want to be everywhere and do everything and speak to everybody. But when you got is that when you found that your business just kind of exploded for you when you just got into that lane and started driving?

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, because it became a different type of business. 

I have a lot more ease and flow like I want. Because when I was doing both. I had two different types of clients, and I was still doing Instagram and Pinterest mostly.

But I still had some admin clients because I was still a VA.

So I had to go from being a VA to being like just social media with Pinterest and Instagram.

Then it's like, okay, I feel overwhelmed and burnt out and I'm doing so much to make the amount that I was making. I knew I wanted a way to like because in 2020, that year of the holidays, I don't even think I really took a big break or anything like that.

I was like, okay, I want something that gives me more ease and more flow.

Pivoting to just Pinterest really has helped with that because I was able to create the type of services that I want to create, even though I was really scared when I did, like my first I call them VIB days instead of VIP days because B is for badass, a Very Important Badass.

When I leaned into that in 2021 is really when I was able to see what's possible for me and just really trust myself.

Jen Liddy

I love that. A couple of things you said are so important:

Number one, you were like, “Yes, I can do this.”

Then you just set about to learning it like you just trusted that you could figure it out and you didn't need like a $1,500 course and you didn't need an MBA. You just figured it out, right?

I think that's a mistake a lot of us make, which is we're like, oh, I need to get a whole certification in this thing, right?

Presh Rodgers

Yeah. My first year, I just figured it out. I didn't invest in something until summer 2020. I came across a program from somebody I found on Pinterest, but then she's a Pinterest mentor, so of course I found her on Pinterest and then she opened the doors to her program specifically for Pinterest managers, and I got into her program.

I would say that definitely helped me elevate for in 2021.

The second half of 2020 is when I was really getting into building out the packages that I wanted, the services that I was thinking about doing, thinking about how I want my future to look.

That's why in 2021, I was like, okay, I got to just really go all into this, but yeah, definitely. I started out just figuring it out on my own: all the free things & having clients who were open to allow me to figure it out. So that was a good thing, too.

 Jen Liddy

Yeah. The second thing I heard in your comments was it was super important for you to wade through all the bullshit, but always keeping your future self in mind: “I want this to be easier…”

That's why I do this podcast: I want content creation to be easier for people.

I think it's been made really overly complicated. I love when we can have somebody on who's figured out a way in for herself and then can share some of those pieces of advice with us!

So thank you for speaking to those two important things that happen when we're growing. They're really growing pains.

Presh Rodgers

I can't even look back or think back to how I used to market myself. And you hear all these things and you do all these things and it's like, it's not necessary. It's really not.

 Jen Liddy

I totally know. All right, so before we get started on Pinterest, let's talk about the kind of person who would be a good fit for Pinterest.

 Presh Rodgers

You have to have content. So probably people listen to this podcast.

I always say if you don't have content, you have nowhere to drive the Pinterest traffic too.

Pinterest is a traffic driver, and though we have things that keep people on the platform, like Idea Pins now, it's still a very good place to find that balance of keeping people on the platform and using your Pin images that you create to drive people to your website, where you have other content that you've already created.

If you aren't creating content, where are the people going to go? Pinterest won't be really a good fit for you.

That's really mostly it: you have to have content.

Now, content can be in the form of products and things like that, but also looking at it differently. Like, even if you are a product seller, are you doing things like blogs or things like that to bring people on your website to learn about you in different ways.

Before people think, “Oh, I don't want to write a blog”, it's definitely different ways that you can do blogging nowadays. It doesn't have to be like, sit down and write.

You can literally do videos and things like that to turn them into posts or a podcast, obviously.

Jen Liddy

Right? So you want to bring them back? Does Pinterest bring them back to your website and maybe your YouTube channel or your Instagram? Or do you just want people to go back to your website in 2022?

Presh Rodgers

I recommend just your website. You can drive people to other places, but you can only claim your website. Now you used to claim your YouTube, you used to claim your Instagram, but now you only can claim your website and Pinterest is going to prioritize your claim website.

So it's best to send people to your website. So like for me, all my YouTube videos are on my website as blog posts.

I have the video at the top and then I get the transcript and my virtual assistant turns into a blog post so that whoever comes from Pinterest, they have two options. They can watch the video or they can read the blog. And then with that it gives me I can always update the blog to anything that's more current or any little tweaks that have changed. But the video will still probably be still mostly relevant and then they can still from there, subscribe to my YouTube channel if they want to and things like that. So you can still get caught in action for what you want them to do next, but now you're still able to what if they're coming to your website?

You can track them if you're doing any type of paid marketing for later, things like that. You can have pop ups that can have them sign up for your email list so you have more leverage sending them to your website.

 Jen Liddy

Right, so if somebody is listening to this and they already feel overwhelmed because you and I are both doing a lot, like we have images on our website, we have videos on our website, we have the video turned into transcripts and then links to other things. But it doesn't have to be that complicated at first, especially if you don't have a team.


What are some things that people do when they get started before they weigh themselves down, Presh? Doing it this way, what could be simpler for them?

If you can give me an example of the type of content they have and then we can kind of play from that.

 Presh Rodgers

Okay, that's a great question. So say somebody has a written blog they have been putting time in and they spend a lot of time on a blog and maybe they are able to repurpose it in different ways, but they are not using Pinterest to drive people back to that blog. Like a static blog.

Yeah. So one, if you have a static blog, you should definitely be on Pinterest because it's kind of like the easiest way. That's what most people think about when they think Pinterest. They're like, oh, I have like a blog, or whatever.

The simplest thing for you to do next is actually create your Pin images. And maybe for each blog post I say do like three to five Pin images and then schedule them out to go on Pinterest from there. It shouldn't take you that long.

Keep your Pin image templates or designs very simple. Don't overdo it. It takes people long because they have these complicated designs that they want to be super Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop ready. And it does not have to be that strategic.

You just need to make something that's clean, clear, still eye catching, but you can have eye catching and be simple.

 Jen Liddy

Okay, so when you're thinking about those images for Pinterest, are we talking like, think about your brand colors. Do you want pictures of yourself? Do you want stock pictures? Do you want nature pictures? What are we talking there?

Presh Rodgers

You want mostly the text to say what is going to be on the other side of the Pin image.

Pinterest  - in their best practices - , they say that pictures of yourself don't really work as well as stock photos. Take out faces mostly it's not like yourself because people are not there for you. They're there for the content. So if you have something if I see a picture of somebody in a nice outfit, maybe I'm going to save that to like, a fashion board. That might not be nothing about what you're talking about because I'm looking at it as, oh, you have a nice outfit, I'm going to save it to a fashion board. But if you just strategically say, like, have copy or text on the Pin image about what this content is and maybe a stock image that relates to the content, then I know I'm going to this piece of content. And that's very key is that you don't want to use images that are not related to the keywords of the content because everything on Pinterest is searchable.

Their AI system can pick up on everything. So if I have something about how to get started on Pinterest and I have a picture of a cookie, they're going to pick up on the cookie as well. And it's going to put that keyword of cook cookie with my Pin image that has nothing to do with cookies..

 Jen Liddy

Wow, Okay. That is so amazing to know. Thank you for that. Okay, so before we get started on Pinterest, we need to understand we have to have some place to drive people to, and we have to have really clean visuals that relate to the content where we're pushing people to yeah, you.

Presh Rodgers

Don’t have anything that's really related. I just say stick to plain, simple images. If you go on my account, you will see what I mean because I keep my pins very simple and easy so that I can create them really fast at the end.

Jen Liddy

I want to make sure we share your Pinterest account so people can go look at it. Okay, so let's talk about you said that there are 3 keys to creating Pinterest worthy content. What are those?

Presh Rodgers

You want to make sure that it's content that you can link to; something you can link to off your website. Once again, we already kind of talked about it. You want to drive traffic to your website.

So you want to make sure that it's something that you can put on your website. If it's a podcast, you can embed podcast episodes on your website. Same thing for YouTube videos and things like that.

So can you send traffic to your website?

You want to make sure that it is valuable and actionable because people go to Pinterest to search and discover something.

They have a pain point or maybe even a pleasure point that they're looking for, and they're there for a reason. You want to make sure that when they're scrolling and they're searching for something that your Pin stands out for something that's going to give them an answer to their problem.

It's going to give them inspiration. It's going to make them click. You want to make sure it's valuable and inspirational because it's kind of like if you post about like five things I did today, I don't get on Pinterest to find out what you ate today. Right?

Right. We'll go with five things I ate today. If that was like your Pin title, no one's really going to click.

They don't know who you are. They're not there for that. But if you say something like five vegan snacks that I eat throughout the day, or something like that, something that can if somebody is looking for vegan snacks or something like that, they're like, oh, let me see some of the snacks that they're eating.

That will make them interested or invoke curiosity or something like that.

It's not just about you. It's about the content. So always keep that in mind for which is another tip, is like, make sure you're keeping in mind the content and not you.

What we like to say is that people on Pinterest do not care about you. It's a hard fact, but it's very true. They don't care about you. They care about the content that you are creating.

They are there for the content. People don't come on Pinterest trying to figure out like, what you did today. They're not really coming to even see who they're following. Like, they're literally coming for the content that they're going to find on Pinterest.

So always keep that in mind.

 Jen Liddy

Can I stop you there for a second? This is very different intention than why somebody would get on Instagram or TikTok.

You get on Instagram or TikTok to feel the relief or let the entertainment wash over you, or to connect with your friends, see what people are up to.

But it's not like you might find new laundry detergent on Instagram, but you didn't go there for that.

Presh Rodgers

Right. And then you follow people specifically on Instagram for a reason.

You're going there, you know, you're going to see them on your timeline. Like, yes, you can go on the road and see different people now and find people different ways.

But it definitely is a different mindset for these platforms. I go on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest for different reasons.

Usually my going on Pinterest is like I'm typing in something into the search bar because I'm there for it to search for something.

Very rarely that I'm just scrolling. There are people who just go on Pinterest and scroll, but they're still looking to be inspired or find something.

Maybe they don't know what they're looking for. Maybe because Pinterest has their smart feed, it updates to your last searches.

So if I just went on there and I was searching for a recipe for something, now when I go back on, I'm going to see a lot of those recipes.

If I was to go on there and scroll, I'm going to be seeing recipes based on my previous searches. So I'm still kind of going on there for something that I just don't realize I'm going on there for.

But yeah, definitely different mindsets between the different users.

 Jen Liddy

You know this Pinterest inside and out. This Pinterest platform is amazing. Okay, so what's the third thing, the third key to creating Pinterest worthy content?

 Presh Rodgers

So what do we say? We said to make sure you go to your website just to recap, make sure that it is valuable, and also you want to just make sure that you are thinking about the content.

So those are the three things.

Think about the content first.

I think I have a bonus one. I always forget this one.

I'm like going through my list in my head. I know there's one more.

But yes, we'll come back to it by think of it.

But yeah, those are the main things: you want to just make sure you're thinking about that.

It's really what I like to say is, like, keeping Pinterest at the forefront when you are sitting down to create your content. Because if I'm creating content, like, I'm thinking already, like, okay, will this content make sense for Pinterest? If it's a yes, it's more likely also going to make sense for my social media platform if I'm there to bring value as well.

When you think like that and you put Pinterest at the forefront, you know that your content is already Pinterest worthy.

It's something that's already going to go on your website easily. It's something that's going to bring value to someone. You don't have to think about it. You just already know.

Jen Liddy

Okay, so given that you just really laid out for us, what we should be thinking about intentionally when we're designing our content?

What do we need to think about when it comes time to use Pinterest in terms of either scheduling or using the platform?

What's the other side of it? Keywords, I think, is where people freak out.

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, for some reason, that's like a big freak out.

A lot of my students in my program are always like, “Oh my God. The keyword research is where I struggle.”

For me, I made sure to have like a keyword database that I ask you all the time based on their different niches, just to help them out because it can be a little scary.

Because it's not just like, I'm going to go and find five keywords and I'm done it's.

No! You need a lot more keywords than that. Probably going to scare the entire audience!

Like 100 keywords is what I would tell you to start off with because this is how we have to think about it.

If somebody goes into Pinterest and types in how to get started on Pinterest, that's one way they can type it in, but they can type in also, like, Pinterest Tips for Beginners, they can type in Pinterest for Business, they can type in what do I need to know about Pinterest? Pinterest pinning tips. All these things are about getting started on Pinterest.

So I want my content to show up under all those search terms.

I have to make sure when I am keywording my content, which is my Pin image, my Pin title, pin description, that I am putting these keywords in that description so that it can come up in those search results. So that is like the main thing is that you want to make sure your profile all the way down to your Pin images that you're actually putting out.

There are keyword with different keywords that people could be using to find your content.

 Jen Liddy

So when you're saying keywords, I'm also hearing key phrases or key sentences.

 Presh Rodgers

So it can be very much like long tail keywords that we say too, as well.

It depends on your industry and how people will come to type something in.

Somebody might type in ‘how to get started on Pinterest’ or they might just type in, like, ‘get started on Pinterest’.

You want to have all those things. If I don't just type in Pinterest or Instagram, they're going to type in more of what they're looking for. But you want to think of both the long-term keywords, long-term keywords or long-term and the short-term keywords altogether. You want to think of all of those things.

Jen Liddy

So you can just hear my audience saying, oh my God, this sounds like so much. I don't know what my keywords are. This is freaking me out.

Forget it, forget it, forget it! How can people get started figuring that out?

Presh Rodgers

The keyword portion? Yeah, definitely start with going on Pinterest.

It seems like a lot, but actually, if you know your audience and if you know your content and your pain points, it makes it a lot easier.

What I usually tell people is look at your last ten pieces of content. If you have ten pieces of content, or up to 20, however many as possible in that range, look at those content and then pull out your main topics.

What are you mostly talking about? I heard someone say principles, like your key principles, and I was like, I'm going to start using that.

Sorry guy, he teaches TikTok anyway.

But it was completely the same thing because in ways TikTok is kind of like you can search more things on TikTok than you can on Instagram and stuff like that.

So I'm like, “Oh, I'm sorry. I’m using principles because I like that.”

But your key principles are the things that you mostly talk about over and over again. So once you have that, you want to take those and start going up to Pinterest, typing them into the key bar or the search bar and seeing what is coming up from there.

You can start doing your own keyword research.

It’s not as hard as it sounds.

Say if I type in ‘Instagram marketing’ and a whole bunch of pins come up, I'm going to start looking at the Pin designs & seeing what keywords they have on their Pin images.

Somebody might have like ‘Instagram tips’, and I don't even think about using Instagram tips.

Or somebody might have like ‘marketing tools’, and I didn't even think about using ‘marketing tools’.

But Instagram is a marketing tool. And that might be a word that you didn't think of or a phrase you didn't think of, but it is something that you want your content to fall under, like social media marketing, social media tools or tips or techniques.

All those things will be keywords that you will start seeing just from people Pin images. And then you're just writing them down and keeping track of them somewhere where you can always have access to them.

Jen Liddy

This would be a great thing if you have a VA to task that VA with. Teach that person how to do this.

Presh Rodgers

But maybe like an hour or two, depending on how deep you want to go and how many main topics that you have.

But it shouldn't take you that long because you're just literally writing and jotting. Writing and jotting.

It's really like what I learned is that I will come on Pinterest sometimes and I'll see a keyword that I didn't even think about and I'm like, ‘Oh, let me go look deeper into that one really quickly’ and maybe I'll get like 15 keywords in like ten minutes.

Because it's SEO, people have to remember it's a search engine. So you have to use keywords in order for your content to be found.

If you're not using keywords, then you're not positioning yourself correctly on the platform.

 Jen Liddy

Yeah, and this is definitely something that goes in the intention bucket. You have to be intentional about it.

But I wish people could think about, “How can I create a more intentional piece of content and stop thinking I have to churn churn a blog a week.

In fact, just yesterday, I was talking to a friend. She has a blog. She says she puts about 20 hours every time she writes a blog into her blog.

And her blogs are very dense and filled with keywords, it's very visual, and that's her main content platform.

And so I got on a call with her, and I was just like, let me show you how to repurpose some of this stuff so that we can get more juice out of it.

And she just hadn't thought about that.

I said, what if you just wrote one? Because she's got years of blogs, right? She's got a lot of content already. I said, what if we scaled you back to writing one blog a month and then repurposing that blog, but all the other blogs that you have, and Pinterest would be a great place to start repurposing.

So if you're like listening to Presh talk and you're like, “Oh, my God, there's so much to do!”, yes, but stop doing more and just do better.

Presh Rodgers

Yes, I love that because I talk about being on the content creation hamster wheel, because I've heard people talk about it a lot.

Like, they feel like all they're doing is creating content that no one is ever finding, no one is ever seeing.

And it's like, okay, well, you have all this content. Why are you not repurposing it?

Why are you not maximizing it in a way that works for you?

Because even if you take an old blog, change the title, switch things up, I'm pretty sure no one's going to be like, I read that already three years ago. We see the same content all the time, and we're supposed to.

That's what we forget. 

I always tell people what I had to teach myself is that I had to look at other people that I admire and aspire to be like and look at their content, and I'm like, they literally talk about the same thing over and over and over.

I don't ever mind. I've listened to them talk about the same conversation, like, eight times, and here I am for the 9th time, and now I know it, but I'm still listening to it.

But there are people here in their audience who are hearing it for the second time or the third time or the first time, and that's okay, because the thing is, our expertise is in what we keep talking about, and it's not about recreating or recreating the will or having new content.

It's about learning to repurpose that old content, because that's just what it is.

I will literally repose an Instagram post from three months ago, and no one will blink. And if they do, all well, I don't care. Because this is my life and my business, and I'm going to not just keep having to find new ways to write something.

So definitely, if you have 20 blog posts, especially, that is so much Pinterest content that you can have going out there and that's for people will be able to find your blog post for weeks, months, years to come. And that's the thing that I love to touch on is because even though you could be sitting here right now listening to this, thinking, “Oh, my God, that's a lot of work.” It's a lot of foundational work. Yes, but once you have a system in place, it becomes a lot easier.

And the thing is that Pinterest is a long term marketing strategy to help you sustain your business and your content that you're putting out there.

It’s not going to work overnight. It's going to work for weeks to come.

That's why you can still find people blog posts from six years ago on Pinterest. And that's what you have to think about. It's like, where is this going to help me, my business and my marketing? In the long run, it's going to work amazingly for you.

Jen Liddy

I think you said the long run. Because I wish more people would think that marketing is a long run. Marketing is a Marathon. I know that there's a bunch of bullshit people out there who are promising us like, you do my program and in six weeks you can make six figures, and all that bullshit that's out there.

But Instagram is long term. Networking is long term. Speaking is long term. Like none of this stuff happens overnight. It's all based on we hear it to be in relationship with you.

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, I think people look at Instagram. They can see things quicker. They can see if someone went to their buyer or interacted with them on stories and things like that.

But like you said, it is a long game. There are people who have been building up your Instagram for a long time, and you finally start getting the attraction.

You don't see it as much on Pinterest. Like you don't see the return or the things changing as quickly because it's different. The way it works is completely different.

So you have to know what your key performance indicators are that you're going to watch to see how things are working over time.

But I always tell people if you want something quick and overnight, Pinterest is definitely not it!

Even with ads, it's still not it. You have to learn “How can I make this work in my business?” But it's more of those things that you work it slowly, you incorporate it slowly while you still have something else that you can get more quick results like Instagram or something like that. Because how I see Instagram is that it's a very much a nurturing platform.

Presh Rodgers

It's there to nurture your community that you're bringing in. Pinterest is where you want to get people to notice who you are.

Bring them in with your brand authority building content, and they're going to come into your universe and your space, and then you can take them where you want to take them next.

 Jen Liddy

I like that. So Presh. How can people get into your orbit and find you so that they can start following you and start learning from you online?

 Presh Rodgers

Yeah, so definitely follow me on Instagram and Pinterest: Presh Rodgers so I'm pretty sure she put in the show notes, but P-R-E-S-H-I forgot to spell my own name. P-R-E-S-H-R-O-D-G-E-R-S. Because people love to leave out the d on my last name.

I don't know why. I mean, my parents!

If you are interested, I have a training. It's called the Three P’s to Pinterest success: How to turn your content into cash.

You can find that here

If you are really interested in learning how can I actually understand Pinterest a little bit more.

Jen Liddy

I love that. Thank you for your generosity today, because I think that we get so caught up in, like, create I call it a dreadmill, you call it a hamster wheel. It's the same freaking thing.

But if we could just encourage people to be more intentional and slow down and do but I always say to my 15-year-old, JUST DO BETTER!

He's like, I don't know what that means, mom, but we're telling you today, do better, not more. Just do better.

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, it's like, take that content that you've already worked so hard on and be like, “How can I make this work for me?”

Instead of always feeling like, “Oh, my God, I got to create a new caption or do something new.”

It's like…you have all the content. What can you do with it now to make it work for you for the long run?

Because especially if you have a podcast or something, a lot of times you don't talk about your episodes past that week that it comes out. Like, maybe the same thing for your inner pockets, your blog post, or your YouTube videos. They come out, you promote them that one week on Instagram or wherever you are, and then you move on to the next one because you're thinking, “I got to move on to the next one.”

But it's like people can still find their own content. They can still find a lot of value in that. So you want to make sure that you're putting it out there on a platform like Pinterest, where they can find it whenever they need it in their journey.

 Jen Liddy

People hear or see things three, four or five times, like you said eight times. It's because they like you. They like your stories, they like your voice. And they probably need to be reminded of that thing that you're saying again and again and again. So don't be afraid of that. Lean into that.

Presh Rodgers

I had to learn that myself because I used to be like, “Are they tired of hearing this?”

 Jen Liddy

You know, they get bored with their own stuff! I always say that to my clients. You're going to get bored with your stuff way before your audience is going to get bored with your stuff. So can you give us the link again to your home page where people can find that free training?

Presh Rodgers

Yeah, it's www dot. I don't know why I said www. I always say

 Jen Liddy

It's like we're drunk today, Presh.

Presh Rodgers

As early as before. 11:00. I've only been drinking water today. Not drunk, I promise.

Jen Liddy

Thanks for coming on and sharing with my audience all of these gems, because this is just another place we can wring the hell out of our content and put it to work for us.

Presh Rodgers

Thank you. I loved it. I love it. I love being here and I'm obsessed with talking about Pinterest, though I can tell.

Jen Liddy

I love it. I'm obsessed with talking about content in general. I love that you're super specific on Pinterest. All right, Presh, thanks. And if you are wondering, can Pinterest work for you, please go check out the links in the show notes. Presh is very generous. And follow her on Instagram too, because she's also fun.

Yes. Thanks for being here. Bye, everyone.


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