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You’re Not Too Big for Your Britches


Most women I work with undervalue themselves. They ask, What more do I need to LEARN to become valuable? 

Because the more valuable we are, the more we can charge.

We’re asking the wrong question, my friend!

Instead of What do I need to learn? we need to ask,


  • What results do I get for my people?


In other words: HOW do you make your clients’ lives BETTER for them?

(Pssst: You may feel like you’re bragging if you answer. I assure you – confidence & arrogance are worlds apart!)

This example will help:

You’re an incredible interior designer. Your clients lack the deep skills you OWN! Because of your brilliance, you always save them time & money.


They don’t get the cost of NOT hiring you, so they do it on their own.

They don’t know what they’re about to endure.

  • Wasting HOURS researching colors & textures - which you’d save ‘em because you know what works.
  • Hiring that guy notorious for leaving a mess - when he decides to actually show up - which you’d tell them ‘cuz you know all the local experts!
  • Knock out an important wall to make room for their dream steam shower. UGGG. Bad news.
  • Choose wallpaper that won’t stand up to the steam & will mold. Ewwwww.


To hijack the insights of good ol’ George Costanza - it’s not you, it’s them.

YOU KNOW they need their hands held to get it done for realz - to not waste time, money, energy. 

We all deal with this! 

  • Clients who create their OWN FITNESS PROGRAM – rather than hire you, Coach.
  • People grabbin’ FREE ONLINE LEGAL TEMPLATES – rather than hire you, Counselor.

These are not your people. They’re not ready. Stop worrying about these people.

There are people who want to work with you.

Your job is to share your value with THEM.


Do you KNOW the value you bring - to your job, your home, your relationships, your business?


Are you sharing it? And pricing yourself accordingly?

I offered a free training to teach you HOW to share your value -

with examples to break down exactly HOW to attract clients READY to work with you.


It’s available here, with a cool workbook to help! 😎


Keep showing up so they can see it. (Remember: some never will. It’s not your job to save everyone.)

Help people see why you’re so awesome.


You’re not too big for your britches! We need YOUR awesomeness in our lives!

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