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Your Audience Can’t Hear You: Why you feel invisible!

This month we’re talking about how to stay out of content + marketing burnout so you maintain your clarity, focus, and energy to grow your business without crashing. 

This comes down to creating content in a way that’s sustainable for you. 

Let’s talk about an issue that causes content burnout: WHAT to say in our content.

I see 2 types of creators:

  1. Waterfall Creators: they have endless ideas pouring out that live on Post-Its, Google docs, & notepads - or stay swirling in the corners of their minds.

These creators are exhausted by narrowing down WHAT to say - stumped by & unable to sort through the waterfall of ideas crashing down over them!

They struggle to publish consistently or sustainably, and when they do, they can’t get traction with their audience because they fire hose them with TOO MUCH INFO.

2. Empty Pool Creators:  I don’t know what to say!

They think they’ve got ZERO ideas (and can’t see beyond the blasted blinking cursor).

Both types of creators feel the “Why Bother?” hard.

Creating content never works and it’s so freakin’ hard, so why bother creating Instagram Reels or a YouTube video?

Not worth it!

No matter which type of creator you are - you need a simple access point - a way IN to content creation that keeps you in motion without feeling like you’re drowning.

One way to create that access point for yourself, no matter what type of creator you are, is to consider the segment of your audience who is PROBLEM UNAWARE.

These are the people who have a problem YOU can see - and you know you’re the solution - but they don’t see this thing as a problem yet.

Or, they’re not ready to admit it’s a problem!

You MAY feel a little burned out because you spend a LOT of content capital convincing this audience member to LISTEN to you!

  • Putting up Instagram posts with the EXACT right solution for them.
  • An entire podcast series devoted to unraveling the problem FOR THEM…

But they’re not hearing you - and you feel invisible!

Ugggg my friend - that’s not where you want to spend your content capital!

Here’s an example of how problem-unaware peeps can suck up your energy:

Consider Pretty Neat, a professional organizing & interior design service owned by Carrie Luteran - an awesome member of the Content Creator’s Studio who’s committed to putting out quality content regularly!

Pretty Neat’s all about simpler living + open spaces + less stuff = A BETTER LIFE.

(Check her out on IG)

The perfect audience for Carrie? People who KNOW + ADMIT they feel crushed by clutter. 

People who - no matter how much they ‘organize’ - can’t get out from under the weight - and it’s holding them back & keeping them down 

- energetically, mentally, or physically causing a problem.

Speaking to this audience keeps a creator like Carrie energized

This audience sops up her stuff with a biscuit & are more likely to become clients!

But, imagine if she focused her content on people who

  • shove stuff into every corner of their home?
  • make regular Target runs to stock up on more stuff?

^^This’s fine, right? If clutter’s not a problem for them, they don’t need Pretty Neat. 

Constantly trying to convince them they HAVE a problem, no matter how much you believe in your cause, service, product, or experience, WILL BURN YOU OUT!

How can creators YOU, First Name stay out of content burnout?

Stop spending your content capital CONVINCING your audience that a problem exists.

Whether you’re a creator with THOUSANDS of ideas swimming around or ZERO ideas - here’s one way to stay outta burnout:

Stop choosing content topics because you feel like your audience needs CONVINCING that the problem exists.

Let ‘em just be in your audience. 

For me, I’m under no delusions that most entrepreneurs find content creation + marketing as fun as I do!

If I spend all my content capital CONVINCING people they NEED content and they NEED marketing - convincing them they NEED my help - I’d be SO SICK of doing this!

I imagine a child, hands on hips, stomping, groaning, & complaining about having to eat her vegetables.

What that looks like in my audience is someone who says: “Screw content. I’m just not doing it and don’t think it’s important.”

Not sending emails.

Never using socials.

Refusing to get on podcasts.

Saying, SCREW YOU to Pinterest!

Ok. No problem - that’s not my audience member! 

Convincing is not where I want to be in ANY relationship, especially in my business. 

Get clear on your message & purpose:

Mine? Well, I’m not here to convince you creating content is vital - 

I AM here to help you once you’ve decided that it’s the portal to growing your business!

In fact, I want to repel anyone who’s here under duress. If you don’t already think content creation is important, this is obviously not the podcast for you!

Now once you let go of the convincing shenanigans and let that segment of your audience go, then who SHOULD you focus on?

The people who are problem AWARE & solution CURIOUS.

They know the thing is a problem, and they need to know the options for solutions that fit them…

This is why in your content you want to do 3 things in every piece:

  • Speak overtly to the problem - over & over, in all different ways.
  • Talk about what life’s like when the solution is implemented - 
  • And convey that you’re the expert, authority, and have an offer that can help.

That’s it.

Stop trying to fix ALL the problems in your free content.

That’s not your job!

Your job - say less, to the right people, so you can connect MORE!

When you’re ready to learn the transparent HOWs & join a community for accountability, feedback & support, 

YOU are READY for the Content Creator’s Studio!

It’s a membership community that gives you hands-on training, feedback, and support with your content - so you can fill up your business & step off the dreadmill of content creation that’s currently making you exhausted!

3 Steps to Unlock the Content
that magnetizess your audience to you!

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