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My "parking lot moment" In My Marketing with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Not sure you've noticed, but it's KINDA NOISY in the online world 😉

What if you're just not that special? What if you are one of the eleventy-billion experts doing the work you do?

Is it time to throw up your hands, forget about putting your goods out into the marketplace, and

go back to crossing you
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What If We Aren't A Unicorn? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Not sure you've noticed, but it's KINDA NOISY in the online world 😉

What if you're just not that special? What if you are one of the eleventy-billion experts doing the work you do?

Is it time to throw up your hands, forget about putting your goods out into the marketplace, and

go back to crossing you
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How Do We Set Ourselves Apart? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
YES, you've got ALL the possibilities to bring your message to the world...
Thank you, Internet.

So WHY does it seem like being seen & heard in the marketplace is an uphill battle?

It's SO noisy. Standing out feels impossible.

Today, marketing expert Claudia Schalkx & I are talking about HOW DO YOU SE
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Why Does Marketing Have To Be Pushy & Gross with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Is a lead magnet necessary? I mean - do they EVEN WORK?
Have you tried to create lead magnets, opt-ins, freebies -
WHATEVER you want to call it -
And gotten no traction?
Yeah, welcome to the club! Today Claudia Schalkx, marketing expert, & I are talking about what makes a GREAT lea
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What Is A Marketing Strategy with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

What if you could play to your STRENGTHS in marketing, instead of thinking you have to overcome your weaknesses?

Marketing is a lot of energy; creating content takes a lot of time.

Let's do them BETTER, so we don't have to do MORE.

Better marketing. Not more.

HOW's that sound?

Today marketing e...

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What About Your Lead Magnet? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
Is a lead magnet necessary? I mean - do they EVEN WORK?
Have you tried to create lead magnets, opt-ins, freebies -
WHATEVER you want to call it -
And gotten no traction?
Yeah, welcome to the club! Today Claudia Schalkx, marketing expert, & I are talking about what makes a GREAT lea
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What If You Have Two Audiences? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

Sometimes you have an offer you'd like to share with an audience that's a BIT different from your MAIN audience-

Or one that's COMPLETELY different!
You've done the work to nail down your buyer's persona, understand their language, pain, & desires -
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Feeling Overwhelmed With Your Marketing Strategy? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
You know how sometimes you want to burn it all down? Trash the whole thing?
HIDE HIDE HIDE and just give yourself a freakin' break?
Creating content can feel like an endless DREADMILL of grinding out work...
So sometimes - we just want to STOP. 🛑
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How To Know The Value Of Your Services When Pricing Them with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia

Pricing our SERVICES is one of the hardest decisions entrepreneurs have to make!It's more difficult than pricing products because it's TOTALLY subjective to calculate the worth of your advice, expertise, and value of your TIME.

As if all that wasn't enough, all kinds of GARBAGEY thoughts populate i...

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What If You Just Stop Creating Content? with Claudia Schalkx marketing fridays with claudia
You know how sometimes you want to burn it all down? Trash the whole thing?
HIDE HIDE HIDE and just give yourself a freakin' break?
Creating content can feel like an endless DREADMILL of grinding out work...
So sometimes - we just want to STOP. 🛑
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When Your Client Objects TO Your Advice with Claudia Schalkx marketing advice marketing fridays with claudia
Moving audience members to clients is often where we bang our heads against the wall...
They have, time, permission from someone else - but what's REALLY GOING ON with objections?
And how do you deal with them without feeling pushy?
Today, Marketing E
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The Invisible Blocker For Marketers with Claudia Schalkx marketing advice marketing fridays with claudia
PERFECT content. an EXACTING funnel. An engaged audience -
But if you have this ONE thing blocking you, IT WILL NOT MATTER:
Do you "hate sales pages'?
Do you "not want to bother" people?
Do you "feel too salesy"?
Yeah - ^^all that stuff is belief-garbage and
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