Realistic Tools For
Growing Your Business
After suffering through the first half of winter FREEZING in her home office - complaining…frustrated…angry…and finally resentful…
Jen finally went searching for a solution that didn’t cost too much and did the trick to solve the problem. She learned 3 lessons that - upon examination - she realized...
The outcome of our marketing content is far reaching and - unfortunately - often not immediately evident!
We know we've gotta show up with our words, ideas, & insights…but too often it feels like a waste of time.
How do we create positive ripple effects - for both ourselves & our audiences - and R...
Two problems arise when trying to take action on your content:
"I don’t know how to CONCISELY articulate what I do."
"I don’t know how to say it in a way that ALSO gets my audience excited."
No wonder creating content feels so tough!
When it feels impossible to clearly express what you do, who y...
When you finally open that course, launch that membership, or create that program - and you get the clients IN there…
What comes next - in terms of content?
THIS is something we all need to think about! Because the need for relationship building & content does not end at the checkout counter.
Once t...
Do you feel invisible - like putting content out isn't even worth it?
And...when someone asks you, "What do you do?" - do you stutter OR have a five-minute explanation?
If feel like you're so generic that you're lost in the ocean of a million other YOUs...
Then your brand message is too MEH!
There’s NO one right way to “do content”.
We create a goal, decide on a strategy, and choose the tactics that feel best for us.
But what happens when you get stuck in a vortex of “I don’t wanna!!”?
When marketing + content feels like it’s too hard, too much work, and not working anyway?
What abo...
Whether you’re inundated with content ideas or finding a topic to talk about feels like looking for water in the desert…
we need to talk about making WHAT TO TALK ABOUT a lot freakin’ easier.
Your words matter. What you say to your audience matters. And if you’re struggling with this aspect, it’s ...
This is one of the biggest marketing questions & struggles out there. Some entrepreneurs have SO much to say, ideas pouring out. The downside? Content topics crush them because there’s just TOO much to say…
and not enough time to say it.
The opposite situation is a very real problem: “I don’t know...
When you become an entrepreneur, you quickly realize that no one is sitting in an office waiting to give you permission to try something new.
So we wind up seeking insight, feedback, & validation for our ideas.
Spending TONS of time & money on courses or systems that work for other people...but ma...
Your whole life, you've been told be more quiet.
You're too much. TOO LOUD. Too opinionated.
No one wants to hear it...shhhhhh. STOP IT.
You've never looked "quite right", haven't really fit in, & didn't sound like everyone else.
But now - you have a business and you're SUPPOSED TO SHOW UP and '...
On this week’s podcast, client Kristin Kreuder - a lawyer and real estate agent, who was also homeschooling her kids AND trying to run an online network marketing business -
talks about the struggle to market her businesses.
She was “all over the place” and wanted it to work but couldn’t figure ou...
Though I love content creation & have LEARNED to lean into loving marketing, I 100% feel the pain of my clients & audience when they say,
We’re worn down by incessant marketing. So if you feel tired simply thinking about marketing & content creation:
I KNOW....