Grab the Backstage Brilliance Marketing Toolkit

Realistic Tools For

Growing Your Business

The reality of my life is nothing to aspire to

Who in your social media feed do you need to snooze, unfollow, or unfriend?

There were peeps in my feed who brought me nothing but unpleasantness.
Irritation. Downright anger!

I had to hide some of them because I kept comparing my life to theirs.

It can be an

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Who I Used To Be Ain't Pretty

My sweet nieces love to look at old high school pics of my sister & me.

Ooof. It was not a good time for hair or eyewear.

Or – apparently – Jen Grimm.

In any photo of me from 1981 – 1992, I look like a miserable jerk.

I mean – it’s not just the lack of the smi

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How oppressive loneliness changed my life

Ever had an experience that feels like it lasted forever?

A shitty relationship? The worst job ever?

Time slows down when we’re unhappy.

When I lived in Manhattan through the ‘90s, time went SLOWLY.


It was confusing to me. I mean, I was living in NY

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Three steps to overcome self-sabotage

I self-sabotage in many ways.

But one of my stupidest ways is checking email all. day. long.

Here’s how it goes:

I use email as my “to-do” list. It provides a constant hit of dopamine and concrete tasks to tick off my list.

Concrete tasks are nice for entrepren

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What to do when your project feels like it's failing

Jen, I’m so stuck. My husband thinks I’ve given my idea enough time, but it hasn’t made enough money. I’m thinking it’s time to go back to work at a regular job.

I receive a version of this email/text/call about once a week from various clients.

If you’re a Cre

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Feel stuck bringing your idea to life? Here's help!

Here’s a version of the pain my clients experience: Martha wanted to write a very important book – one the world needs to read.

However, she couldn’t commit to writing it, even in small chunks. We explored where she was stuck, made a plan, and designed Action Ite

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Your magical dust is needed

When women create money doing the things they LOVE, the world becomes a better place.

When they don’t have to think things like, I can’t afford it.  I have to ask my husband.

Or, I want that, but I can’t have it.  We need that, but we can’t have it.

That shit i

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How to stop hiding

Lately, I’ve been hiding from myself.

I’m ready to scale my business & know exactly what I want to do: help Creatives bring their ideas to life.

Simple, right? It’s needed, too – Creative Women are everywhere. I meet a new one every day who needs help getting he

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Here's what's going to happen in 15 minutes...

I want to share this trick I have that keeps me on track…

I call it 15-Minutes-From-Now-Jen. 15MFNJ has saved my ass many times.

Like, when I want to have a piece of pizza, but oh yeah – I’m gluten-free. Because Celiac. And IBS.

And in 15 minutes, I will hate 1

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A sure way to stop unconscious self-sabotage

Did you know we do things because of how we THINK it will make us feel?

For example, imagine a plate of chocolate brownies homemade by my stepmom.

{She makes a MEAN chocolate brownie. Irresistible.}

I THINK that if I eat that brownie, (or plate of brownies – le

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How to get your idea OUT of your head & into the world

“Do you have an idea burning inside you…like it eats you up…that you really REALLY want to bring to the world?”, the presenter asked.

She picked one of the 25 raised hands, and the woman who answered almost wept. “Yes. So much. But I’m so afraid. I’m terrified. I

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Jump in the Waterfall

Remember Y2K? We thought the world would end – or, at the very least, we were going to lose all data and set ourselves back to 1900?

Well, I missed the whole damn thing because I was in the Costa Rican jungle in December 1999.

On the cusp of 30, traveling with co

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